Tuesday 20 November 2012

PLI clientele extended

          As a positive development and an appropriate strategy for publicity and securing business, Department of Posts has approved expansion of the clientele eligible for PLI. Henceforth, the PLI can be extended to the following group:

·          Employees engaged/appointed on contract basis by Central/State Government, where the contract is extendable.
·      Employees of Joint Venture in which Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertaking/ Nationalised Banks have minimum holding of 10 percent.
· Members/employees of Credit Co-operative Societies and other Co-operative Societies registered with Government under the Co-operative Societies Act and partly or fully funded from the Central /State Govt./RBI /SBI/ NABARD/ Nationalised Banks and other suchInstitutes notified by Government.
·     Employees of Deemed Universities and Educational Institutes accredited by recognised bodies such as National Assessment and Accreditation Council, All India Council of Technical Education, Medical Council of India etc.and or affiliated to Universities/ Boards etc.
·              Employees of all Scheduled Commercial Banks.

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